Thursday, December 31, 2009

October, November...ummm December?

So it's 8:45 pm on New Year's Eve. I'm sitting at home hanging out with Sugar because the boys are all in bed. Sugar? Sugar??? Um, I think she's snoozing too. Hmpf.

Anyway, if you haven't noticed I've been absent for going on 3 months now.

Ok, so this blogging thing is getting hard and harder.
I vow to keep it up because I’m doing a terrible job of writing in CT’s baby book and I don’t want to look back and have no memory of the milestones of his first year.

However, I am determined to spend every waking moment with CT. His first year is half way over and this precious time is flying by. Returning to work and the many other obligations of life suck so much of my time that every second spent with CT is a blessing. Therefore, my blogging has taken a back seat. In addition to the many Thank You cards I have yet to write. (Yes, I'm still writing thank you's.) In due time, but for now, I'm focused on my little guy. So if you haven't received a Thank You card for the gift you sent, its coming. Some day. Thank you for your patience. (Let me just whisper here that I think new mothers/parents should be exempt from writing Thank You's)

Here is how my writing is developed. For the first few weeks I start thinking of things I want to write about and pictures I want to capture. Then I eventually start a draft post with a list of topics to write about. By the time I get a chance to sit down and make it sound pretty,
plus download pictures off my camera, it's been months since my last post.


October flew by. I returned to work full time and that's when life really started to slip by fast. I've been afraid to blink. Here are some updates in bullets:

4 month check up

Tortacollis resolved
Eczema - still an issue.
Stopped meds for reflux
Weight - 14 lbs. 2 oz.
Height - 23.5 inches
Not yet rolling over
No teeth yet, but working on them. Lots of drool.
Reaching out for our face and his bottle.
Able to entertain himself with his toys
Sitting up in his Bumbo seat

Sleeping is still a challenge. Napping is worse. He sleeps really well until midnight. Sometimes until 2 or 3am. But after that initial waking he’s up every hour or so until 6am. By the time I hit the pillow I’m out like a light. I don’t hear a peep. I’ve even slept through my alarm. Unfortunately this means that Christos takes the brunt of the night wakings. It’s taking its toll. We are consistently trying new methods and are making very slow progress. We’re learning new things as we go along. Isn’t that what parenthood and new life is about? An adventure.

The end of October brought the close of Christos lawn care contract for 2009. Since October was wet and cold he didn’t get very much done. It was nice to have him around in the evenings and on the weekends. He plans to bid the contract again next year. Next year he’ll be a little bit more experienced and much more wiser. It’s been a TON of work, but he’s really enjoyed being out there and making things beautiful again.

Our bowling league started up again. We’ve been having fun, albeit not bowling that great. At the end of last season Christos and I were both awarded the Most Improved Average award (male and female) for our league. We were invited to bowl in a tournament in October. Only I ended up bowling in the tournament and took 3rd place out of 46 women. I was invited to return to a playoff tournament where I placed 5th out of 20 women. It was fun!

This fall Christos had been playing co-ed soccer two nights a week. He’s really enjoying getting out there. It’s a good release for him. A new session has started and he’s playing late Thursday nights. After bowling. He continues to be a busy guy.

I haven’t returned to yoga yet. Maybe the new year will bring more time and motivation. Doubtful. I miss it, but I miss being away from my little guy even more. Our evenings are so consumed with him that being away for a couple hours right now just doesn’t feel right.

Months 5 & 6 - November & December

Started eating cereal
Still lots of drooling
Still trying to figure out how to roll over
Outgrowing most of his clothes
He's find his voice and is experimenting with many different sounds; coughing, screaming, giggling
We continued to sleep train

6 Month checkup
Height: 26 3/4 inches (50-75th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs. 13.5 oz. (25th percentile)
Head: 41.5 cm (5th percentile)

Christmas came and went quickly this year. We didn't make a big deal of the holiday, rather tried to focus on the importance of the day. Spending time with family, celebrating health and life and food.

Congratulations to my cousin Mattie and his wife Amanda. They welcome another beautiful new baby boy to the Nesbitt clan. Bennett William was born shortly before Thanksgiving.

Another congratulations to our dear friends Doreen and Eddie. They welcomed their first son. Edward (Eddie) James on Christmas Day! Lil' Eddie and CT are exactly 6 months apart and we are really looking foward to watching them grow up together. "Table for six, please!"

If you're still awake. Bless your heart. If not. I understand.

4 Months

5 Months


6 Months - Merry Christmas! "Look Mama, See how big I'm getting?"

Happy Halloween! Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!


  1. I love seeing the new pictures!! So glad you are spending as much time with CT as you can. As much as I want to see new blog posts, I completely understand wanting to spend time with the little guy vs. writing at the computer. I absolutely love the picture of him in your lap looking up at you...just adorable!! Happy New Year!!!!

  2. Oh I absolutely love the picture of CT looking up at you. It is such a precious moment. Thanks for the updates - and I would be perfectly happy if it was just pictures - no need to make the blog "sound pretty", this is for you and your memories. We just get to peek in!
